Advanced search - Research priorities of universities of applied sciences

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Social and economic innovation

Research Priorities
  • Name Hochschule Niederrhein
  • Research Priorities Social and economic innovation
  • Short Description The topics of marketing, controlling, Small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs)and Management, structural policy analyses, feasibility studies, education, psychology, gerontology are addressed by several research institutes, including, inter alia, Social Concepts (So.Con}, Niederrhein Institute for Regional and Structural Research (NIERS).
Research Areas
  • Research Areas Geisteswissenschaften; Informatik, System- und Elektrotechnik; Sozial- und Verhaltenswissenschaften
  • IT-Management; ressourcenorientierte Altersforschung; Kindheitspädagogik; Personalmanagement; soziale Konzepte; Geschäftsprozessmanagement; Personal; Führung; Regionalökonomie; Strukturökonomie
Contact Person

Research Map

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Leaflet Research Map


Dr. Gordon Bölling
Tel.: +49 30 206292-228

Sabrina Lux
Tel.: +49 30 206292-222


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