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Societal, Environmental and Cultural Change (SECC) - Integrated Studies of Human Development in Landscapes
Research Priority
- Name Kiel University
- Research Priority Societal, Environmental and Cultural Change (SECC) - Integrated Studies of Human Development in Landscapes
- Short Description The research concept merges multiple theoretical and analytical perspectives in order to better understand how cultural processes and environmental dynamics interact and influence each other, shaping human landscape in time.
- Website
Research Areas
- Research Areas Biology; Geosciences; Humanities; Medicine
- Key Terms aDNA; history; archaeology; early societies; Human development; landscape archaeology; cultural change; anthropology; climate change; social change
Contact Person(s)
- Contact Person Dr. Barth, Katja
- Function Leitung Geschäftsbereich Forschung
- House Address Christian-Albrechts-Platz 4, 24118 Kiel
- Telephone 0431 880-3050
- E-mail
- Internetlink