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High Pressure and High Temperature Research
Research Priority
- Name University of Bayreuth
- Research Priority High Pressure and High Temperature Research
- Short Description The Bayreuth High Pressure and High Temperature Research group studies processes in Earth's interior and their coupling with EarthŽs surface. With the Bavarian Geoinstitute and its unique high pressure facilities the university hosts the largest research centre of this type in Europe.
- Website
Research Areas
- Research Areas Geosciences
- Key Terms earth's interior; earth history; tectonic processes; mineralogy; terrestial planets; geophysics; geochemistry; cosmochemistry; high-pressure experiments; multi-anvil high pressure press; convection; extreme conditions
Contact Person(s)
- Contact Person Prof. Dr. Keppler, Hans
- Function Bayerisches Geoinstitut
- House Address Universitätsstr. 30, Bayreuth
- Postal Code 95447
- Telephone +49 921 55-3744
- E-mail
- Internetlink