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Worlds of Contradiction
Research Priority
- Name University of Bremen
- Research Priority Worlds of Contradiction
- Short Description "Worlds of Contradiction" is a collaborative research platform aiming to develop and implement interdisciplinary research projects on the topic of contradiction and the contradictory, to promote early career researchers, and to realise research-based learning and transfer projects.
- Website
Research Areas
- Research Areas Humanities; Social and Behavioural Sciences
- Key Terms contradiction; dissent; debate culture; social movements; academic freedom; democracy
Contact Person(s)
- Contact Person Prof. Dr. Kucera, Michal
- Function Konrektor für Forschung und Transfer
- House Address Bibliothekstraße 1, 28359 Bremen
- Telephone +49 421 218-60020 und 218-60021
- E-mail
- Internetlink