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Digital Transformation

  • Research priority
    • Institution Technische Hochschule Brandenburg
    • Search research priority Digital Transformation
    • Short description The research priority "Digital transformation" examines processes, effects, implementation, operation, use and evaluation methods of digital technologies, management approaches and business models within and across companies, administrations, and organisations.
  • Discipline
    • Research area(s) Informatics, System and Electrical Engineering; Social and Behavioural Sciences
    • Key term(s) cloud computing; design thinking; service innovations; IT economy; digital transformation; small and medium-sized enterprises (SME); digitalisation
  • Contact person
    • Contact Person Prof. Dr. oec. Scheeg, Jochen
    • Function Professor für Wirtschaftsinformatik
    • Street adress Magdeburger Str. 50, 14770 Brandenburg an der Havel
    • Postal / mail addresss Postfach 2132, 14737 Brandenburg an der Havel
    • Phone +49 3381 355-250
    • Fax +49 3381 355-199
    • E-Mail
    • Internet page https://