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Building Construction, Planning and Energy

  • Research priority
    • Institution University of Applied Sciences Rosenheim
    • Search research priority Building Construction, Planning and Energy
    • Short description This research priority investigates different aspects of the key topic building construction (lightweight); from planning, implementation, and energy supply, up to living (e.g. age-appropriate). With a focus always set on sustainability.
  • Discipline
    • Research area(s) Construction Engineering and Architecture; Informatics, System and Electrical Engineering; Materials Science and Engineering; Mathematics; Thermal and Process Engineering
    • Key term(s) lightweight construction; wood construction; energy efficiency; architecture; design; building physics; regenerative energy supply; civil engineering; digitalisation
  • Contact person
    • Contact Person Dr. Mayr, Andreas
    • Function Leitung Rosenheimer Technologiezentrum Energie & Gebäude (roteg)
    • Street adress Hochschulstr. 1, 83024 Rosenheim
    • Phone +49 (0)8031 805-2532
    • E-Mail
    • Internet page https://