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Sustainable Materials and Processes

  • Research priority
    • Institution Clausthal University of Technology
    • Search research priority Sustainable Materials and Processes
    • Short description TU Clausthal is one of the leading universities in Germany when it comes to materials research and its implementation in production processes. This expertise is reflected in the research field "Sustainable Materials and Processes".
  • Discipline
    • Research area(s) Chemistry; Materials Science and Engineering; Mechanical and Industrial Engineering; Physics; Thermal and Process Engineering
    • Key term(s) material development; process development; recycling; new materials; material properties
  • Contact person
    • Contact Person Prof. Dr.-Ing. Hartmann, Stefan
    • Function Sprecher des Forschungsfelds
    • Street adress Adolph-Roemer-Str. 2 a, 38678 Clausthal-Zellerfeld
    • Phone +49 5323 72-2774
    • E-Mail
    • Internet page https://